In the era of modern technology, the idea of intervendor dependency and cooperation has become common place.  These vendors either provide the transport of information or the applications themselves – often having to design solutions in tandem or troubleshoot issues as a collective whole.  Many issues arise with coordinating issue resolution or design between your cloud vendor, circuit provider, application support vendor, and your internal teams and departments.

Today’s support and technology landscape is not the same as it was 5 years ago – let alone 10.  There are a multitude of as-a-Service technology providers, and each one of these providers has their own internal support structure and operational standards.  If these disparate vendors are not managed properly, mean time to repair and overall business disruption can be adversely affected, causing the business or end user customer to experience the issue significantly longer than necessary.

One aspect of technology heavily revolves around operational organization and strategy.  Proper coordination and fluency in many technologies and systems is one of the key components that is needed to resolve issues with multiple vendors are involved.  ChoiceTel helps to fill in that gap for organizations of all sizes.  As a partner with many years of support and advocating for our customers, we are fully aware of the frustrations and complications that can arise when multiple vendors or providers are involved.  ChoiceTel has a long history of supporting business grade applications, cloud architecture, and network architecture to create a holistic whole when engineering and designing solutions – with a focus on improving end user support and business continuity.

To learn more contact us today at [email protected] or (248) 922-1150 and experience the ChoiceTel difference.